Monday, September 2, 2013

My Best Friend

My best friend of 20 years is going to move to Texas to be with his Love I'm so over joyed for the both of them :) and yet so sad. 

I know Texas isn't very far. But to be honest it breaks my heart to have to see someone I have seen nearly every day for almost 2 decades leave I may sound selfish but this blog is like my diary. I'm honestly so sad I'm actually sobbing as I wrote this and haven't felt this kinda sadness in a very long time 

We have had some ups and downs and all arounds. but we always seem to have found each other when all the dust settles. he's my best friend my twin the yin to my yang my sister the person who always knows what I'm thinking can finish my sentences and has always been there for me always giving me advice my constant companion on this journey called life. I'm so happy to have had you as my best friend for all these years I love you so much I honestly didn't   think this would be so hard for me  but it is and I'm trying to keep it together. I just can't believe how fast it's happening. I guess we are going up 

Please don't get mad @ me for letting this all out here on my blogger diary 

I'm So happy for your happiness and as always will be a friend a brother a sister and a twin to you love you Stephen Hampton 

Love D